Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Getting Back Into the Grove

It is the New Year and the cold has had me down, but today the weather has broke and it is time for a run. I have fallen out of shape, and I know that I am not alone. Some of you have already fallen down on your New Year resolution and here are some tips to help you out.

1. Take it slow..
I have not ran since before Christmas, but I know I can still make my 3 mile run, but how I make it is the important thing. I can't jump into it and go for a record or I will not make it. So I have to start out slow. Remember to take it one step at a time and to take it slow until I you are able to increase. What is  the hurry, staying fit is a Journey not a goal.

2. Change your focus
Back to  the ending statement of number 1 remember fitness is a Journey, when we look at it from this perspective it makes it simple for us. We are not trying to catch those super athletes, we are just trying to improve the quality of our lives, now if you become a super athlete in the process Great. The fact of the matter is that most of you who are reading this article just want a better life, and adding a  fitness component is to help with that. So stop trying to keep up with everyone else push yourself but "Do Not Hurt Yourself". When you feel pain it makes it easier for you to give up, remember your workouts should be fun.

3. Find YOUR workout
Now this is where we get into the fun aspect. I am one of those people who hate doing the same thing repeatedly. I need something that is fun and fulfilling. For example I am nosy and I like to explore, running gives me an excuse to be out in my neighborhood and do both. I get to run through my neighborhood or the woods and see what is happening in the world. You would be surprised by what you can learn about a neighborhood when you run through it, or you never know what you will see when you run on a nature trail.
Find a program or design one that fits you. Attach a purpose and it will become easier for you to continue on your path. Attach a spiritual, or mental goal to your workout. For example instead of making your workout just about physical outcomes attach some spiritual or mental one to it as well:
Did you know that in some cultures running is seen as prayer, and you can use it for those purposes
Many Martial Arts styles have a spiritual component that you can explore
Audio books can be played as you workout and you can add the increase of knowledge to your workouts
Be creative with your workouts and keep them interesting remember above all things that it is YOUR workout.

Nuff Said
Peace & 1hunidyears

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