Tuesday, December 31, 2013


Tuesday, February 5, 2013

The Mighty Garbanzo Bean

I have been using my steamer like crazy for nearly two years, I have added steamed food to my diet because I am not and may never be ready for a totally raw diet ( I will do a future blog about steaming). A raw food diet is reported to be the healthiest diet, but it is said that steaming come in as a close second. Unlike cooking steaming does not destroy the nutrients that your body needs.
I began experimenting with steaming my beans, and I use the same method that is used when you steam rice. Place the beans in a bowl of water (after soaking them over night 12-24  hours, this activates the life in the bean and release the nutrients that are hidden in this powerful food) and allow them to steam until they are done.
I started experimenting with the garbanzo bean, because I was getting tired of lentils, navy, and pinto beans. Now when I started eating the garbanzo, I had no idea that this bean was so powerful nor did I know that this bean was the major ingredient in hummus. Before I share my recipe for my "Ghetto Hummus" let's take a look at the garbanzo bean and its nutrients:
Provide phyto-nutrients

function as an antioxidant
they are anti-inflammatory
give the body energy
good for the heart
provide muscle building protein
provide dietary fiber that is insoluble and undergoes a conversion into short chain fatty acids in the large intestine that support the digestive tract

In other words they are an excellent food that helps protect as well as feed the body vitamins, minerals, and amino acids that are needed.
I cooked some garbanzo beans and happened to look them up on the internet and found out they were the main ingredient in one of my favorite foods, hummus. So I steamed some garbanzo beans with onions, garlic, and miso soup. When that was complete I decided to puree it in my blender and to my surprise a nice tasting hummus came out. Here is the recipe for those that want to try this healthy treat.

Ghetto Hummus
a bag of garbanzo beans (soaked for at least 12 hours, this allows the beans that you are using to come a live, or as I like to say "activate the axe'")
half an onion 
a garlic clove
seasoning ( I used Braggs aminoes, and spike)

Place beans in your steamer, or pot if you are going to boil them and place enough water to cover the beans.
add the onion, and the garlic, and miso and steam or boil, season to taste
Once the beans are complete pour beans and soup that forms into blender
allow to puree until smooth
and eat

This hummus can be used as a vegetable dip, sandwich spread, on salads, and anywhere else you would like. I used the hummus and made a burrito with cheese, lettuce, and tomato. It is yours do what you want with it.
Nuff said
Peace, good eating, and 1hunidyears

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Getting Back Into the Grove

It is the New Year and the cold has had me down, but today the weather has broke and it is time for a run. I have fallen out of shape, and I know that I am not alone. Some of you have already fallen down on your New Year resolution and here are some tips to help you out.

1. Take it slow..
I have not ran since before Christmas, but I know I can still make my 3 mile run, but how I make it is the important thing. I can't jump into it and go for a record or I will not make it. So I have to start out slow. Remember to take it one step at a time and to take it slow until I you are able to increase. What is  the hurry, staying fit is a Journey not a goal.

2. Change your focus
Back to  the ending statement of number 1 remember fitness is a Journey, when we look at it from this perspective it makes it simple for us. We are not trying to catch those super athletes, we are just trying to improve the quality of our lives, now if you become a super athlete in the process Great. The fact of the matter is that most of you who are reading this article just want a better life, and adding a  fitness component is to help with that. So stop trying to keep up with everyone else push yourself but "Do Not Hurt Yourself". When you feel pain it makes it easier for you to give up, remember your workouts should be fun.

3. Find YOUR workout
Now this is where we get into the fun aspect. I am one of those people who hate doing the same thing repeatedly. I need something that is fun and fulfilling. For example I am nosy and I like to explore, running gives me an excuse to be out in my neighborhood and do both. I get to run through my neighborhood or the woods and see what is happening in the world. You would be surprised by what you can learn about a neighborhood when you run through it, or you never know what you will see when you run on a nature trail.
Find a program or design one that fits you. Attach a purpose and it will become easier for you to continue on your path. Attach a spiritual, or mental goal to your workout. For example instead of making your workout just about physical outcomes attach some spiritual or mental one to it as well:
Did you know that in some cultures running is seen as prayer, and you can use it for those purposes
Many Martial Arts styles have a spiritual component that you can explore
Audio books can be played as you workout and you can add the increase of knowledge to your workouts
Be creative with your workouts and keep them interesting remember above all things that it is YOUR workout.

Nuff Said
Peace & 1hunidyears

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Vibram Five Fingers Running Shoes

Here are the original Bikila
Last year I purchased my first pair of Vibram five fingers to help improve my running. I just had finished reading "Born To Run", and in the book I was looking for two things:
1. Motivation to continue and build on my running program
2. Away to run without constantly hurting my ankles
here my old Bikila
This book did not disappoint it gave me the two things I was looking for and then some. In the the writer "Christopher McDougall" discussed the concept of barefoot running. At first it sounded crazy to me but as I read and did some research I decided to give it a try, but since it was the middle of the winter I decided to try some type of foot covering. I bought a cheap zemgear show that lasted maybe 2 weeks. I had heard about the vibrams and seen them worn at some campsites, and since they were designed for getting wet I decided to look into getting a pair. I soon discovered that they had released a pair exclusively for running "Bikila". These were the best shoes for running that I have ever experienced. I literally bought them off the internet and have been running in them ever since. I have had no injuries and very few complaints. The biggest issue that I had came about from my over using them and wearing out the material around the toes. What is strange is the only way that I knew that the material was gone was that on a night time run I stepped on a burr and felt it in my skin. I still was able to finish my run and complete a radio show.
As far as ankle issues I had now more, as a matter of fact my ankles and calves became stronger, and I noticed that my posture improved. My time as far as running improved and I enjoyed running more. I felt more in control on my runs, my ankles were freer to do what they were designed for and my flexibility and my balanced was improved. Even on rough roads I could feel the difference and because I could feel everything I was more aware of the road and the environment. My run was transformed from a struggle with my body trying to avoid injury and became more like a state of moving meditation.
Here are Bikila LS
But all good things must come to an end, my shoes have been wore down by the road, and the material has began to leave my toes exposed. I decided to move to the "Bikila LS to test them out and give me something new to talk about on the blog. Immediately you can see the design difference, the Bikila LS has laces on the front giving the runner a snugger fit around the side. I also noticed that as soon as I placed these shoes on my feet my toes found the toe holes. Now I don't know if I can credit the LS's design or the training that my feet received from the original "Bikila's".
I will keep you updated on my new experience with these shoes once I begin my runs again. So stay tuned for more news from my Blog and my podcast...
Nuff said
Peace and 1hunidyears

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

A Wasted Super Food

In the 80's their was a popular toy called the "Chia Pet". This toy was said to grow green hair over night after you soaked the chia seeds in water forming a gel that you then would spread over a statue of an animal. For years this was the rage, and then as rapidly as they appeared they vanished. The only thing that was left was the song, ch-ch-ch-chia. Fast forward to today and we fine out that the millions of pounds of chia seeds that were wasted on putting hair on clay sheep, dogs, cats, and even afros on men could have been helping making America healthier.
The chia seed is was brought back to my attention last year when I started running seriously. I picked up a book called "Born To Run" by Christopher McDougall in the book he talked about a tribe of runners called the Tarahumara and how they used the Chia seed as major part of their diet. Here are some of the basic facts about this seed that might be of interest to you:
Chia seed- helps in weight loss by blocking some of the food you eat from being absorbed

Chia seeds- helps you feel full by absorbing 10 times its weight in water and forming a gel that fills you up

Chia seeds- are great for athletes because the gel that they form as they absorb liquids helps keep the body hydrated

Chia seeds- helps with high blood pressure

Chia seeds- contain more omega 3 than salmon

Chia seeds- because they slow down how fast our bodies turn carbohydrates into simple sugar they may help diabetics

The chia seed is experiencing a new height in popularity and this time it is for the health benefits and not the fact that it grows quickly. I  have been using chia for the last year and must admit that I have benefited from all the health factors it has to give.
I mainly use it in a smoothie like drink that is called "Chia fresca" of course I put the ha2tim touch on it. I mix in chia, water, lemon juice, just a touch of cayenne, cinnamon, and sometimes apples. I blend it and let it sit for 20 minutes and then drink. It taste good and helps me in  my personal training.
Do your own experiments their are plenty of sites out there with recipes for chia, now that you know get busy.
Nuff said
Peace & 1hunidyears

Monday, January 21, 2013

I'm extending the Journey. I have decided to separate my post and form other blogs. This step will allow me lto focus my writing on specific topics so that I can get more in depth. This Journey is to imporant to me to be limited by title so I have decided to break my post into specific areas that allow me to write indepth about each. This will improve my writing and research skills.
On mile 3 will be about fitness and health. I will be researching and writing about all things healthy and unhealthy on this site. I look forward to your input whether it is + or -. Hopefully I will ruffle some feathers with my views, and also inform. I will be looking at old and new ideas and dropping my opinions on articles that I choose to feature, so if you have been following the Journey over the years hopefully you will participate in the views that i post. I will monitor views but most will be published here so if you want to contribute your knowledge and wisdom it is welcome here even if it runs counter to what I am sharing. My blogs are for the people, and I want to promote those that contribute, so let's get busy....
i chose to call it mile 3 because 3 miles for a lot of people is pushing it to the limit. My podcast will only pop up if I run at least 3 miles. Understand that I am on the path of fitness as well and I am far from a saint. I struggle to workout and move to an optimal lifestyle as well. So i figure we can struggle together. On this site I will be looking at herbs, diet, fitness techniques, and etc. as long as it deals with health. This is a big step for me and hopefully it is for you to take time to read. So here is to an insightful 2013.
Nuff said
Peace and 1hunidyears